Local news

Police chasing 2 Indian suspects in dismemberment of Myanmar man

  POLICE are certain they will be able to apprehend two Indian men suspected to have killed and dismembered a Myanmar man whose body parts were found in a brand new freezer at a townhouse they had rented for jobseekers to stay even though they have flown back to their home country, Channel 3’s 3Plus

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Local news

Police certain Tu Hao’s wife, other suspects intimidating witnesses

  NATIONAL Police Chief  Pol. Gen. Damrongsak Kittipraphat said there are grounds to allegations that the wife of Chinese grey business suspect Mr. Chaiyanat “Tu Hao” Kornchaiyanan and other suspects have, upon being bailed out, intimidated witnesses and tampered with evidence, Naewna newspaper said. Former MP Chuwit Kamolvisit had alleged that that suspects in the

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